We suggest routine veterinary examinations and care for your horse’s optimal health. This would include deworming, vaccines, and dental care.
AHK suggests regular equine vaccines in the Fall and in the Spring of each year. These would include West Nile, Rhino Flu, Rabies, Strangles, Tetanus and Eastern/Western Encephalitis. In addition, a yearly coggins test can be drawn for horses that travel.
We schedule equine dental exams to be performed during regular farm calls. General maintenance, such as wolf tooth extractions, point or hook reductions, and teeth floats will improve your horse’s condition, comfort and performance.
A yearly deworming regimen is important. Our vets will plan a deworming schedule for your horses.
AHK is happy to attend and consult at your farm to suggest a vaccine and deworming protocol as well as pasture management for your herd.
AHK suggests yearly deworming for your herd. A rotating schedule will be planned for your individual farm. Yearly vaccines need to occur during routine herd visits. This is to prevent respiratory disease and clostridium disease.
AHK also offers mobile visits to assist large kennels with vaccinations.
Our online pharmacy now offers select horse medicines and supplements that can be delivered to your door. Click the link below for more information or to purchase.